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Sony, Swarovski Team For Digital Audio Player

For all of you flash people out there who do like a little bling with your things every now and then here’s something for you from the Sony mp3 player Walkman series.

Their new E010 mp3 players will have removable USB caps that will be covered in Swaovski crystals. The players will be crafted by the Abiste Corporation. The E010 DAPs are available in violet, black, blue, or gold colors. You will have to place an order for these ‘works of art’ and may have to wait for at least 2 months before delivery. Don’t expect the prices for these small but ‘bejeweled’ players to be anything short of grand. The 1GB model will set you back around Rs. 5446 ($134), the 2GB model would costs approximately Rs. 6503 and the 4GB would be around Rs. 8535.

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