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Motorola ROKR E8, a Mobile Phone with a truly Unique Keypad leaked

Details of an unannounced Motorola phone have been leaked by a Chinese site. Apparently the device is called ROKR E8.
Rokr E2

So what’s so special about this phone that we actually took the pain of reporting about it, instead of winding up from work on this lovely Saturday night? Well, here’s something that we wanted to share with our readers, before we sign off for the weekend.

Interestingly, the ROKR E8 doesn’t sport a full-sized keypad. Instead it carries small contact points with labels that are triggered by background lightings.

When the user dials numbers on this Motorola phone, all the keys will light up. But when the user is listening to music, the number keys will be dimmed and the music controls will brighten up. In standby mode there are standard navigation keys and numeric buttons with backlight off.

The other features of the Motorola’s ROKR E8 are:

In-built 2GB memory, with an option to increase the same, thanks to microSD slot
3.5mm headphone jack
Micro USB to sideload the music
2MP camera
Linux-based MOTOMAGX interface
Stereo Bluetooth audio

The earliest that we get to see it is by around 2007-end or perhaps the beginning of 2008. Let’s hope more official announcement for the ROKR E8 mobile phone are made soon from Motorola’s headquarters.

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